Re: gcj compiled executable performance

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Fri, 26 Mar 2010 17:57:57 -0400
On 26-03-2010 17:18, Donkey Hottie wrote:

I have never earlier tested gcj as I thought it was obsolete in its Java
language support.

But now I tested it with one of my apps, and here is the result.

The application is a command line app, which processes files as input,
and produces one file as output. No GUI.

I did not compile from source, but passed the already compiled (with Sun
javac) jar-file. Compiled fine, and resulted as a Linux-executable.

The gcj-compiled version runs fine, and produces the output file fine,
no errors.

But the gcj-compiled version is SLOW.

Sun JRE 6:
real 0m33.512s
user 0m28.450s
sys 0m1.472s

real 1m46.161s
user 1m32.082s
sys 0m2.468s

The java command gets option -Xmx256m, but the gcj-compiled did not get
any Java-specific options.

Is it possible to pass that heap instruction to the gcj-compiled
version? Does it help?

My test results were even worse for GCJ, but that was with 3.4.4.

Did you use -O3 ?

Or is gcj really THAT bad? If it is, I wonder why they bother with gcj
any more.

They apparently want a Java compiler in the collection.


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