Re: Enterprise Level Logging

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Thu, 01 Apr 2010 12:07:56 -0400
On 01-04-2010 02:15, J K wrote:

Hey guys,

I work on a medium-to-large scale distributed web application. Often issues come up that need trouble shooting. Currently, sys-admins have to grep logs on as many as 100 machines to find useful information. Of course this can be done via bash, but that is slow and error prone. I would like to implement an easier way.

It seems that there are three options:

1. Write logs over the network to some "central" location.
2. Write logs into a database
3. Develop some remote search capability to search or index all the logs

1 seems okay but there would have to be redundancy in that "central" location
2 would provide a performance hit
3 seems like the best, but the indexing capability may be complicated.

Does anyone know of any libraries that fit into 1, 2, or 3 (we use log4j, so compatibility would be nice).

I'd love to hear about how others have addressed this issue.

Anyway, love to hear thoughts on this!

log4j seems fine for that.

You just need to pick an appender that fits with #1 or #2.

RollingFileAppender to NFS share


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