Re: Issue with array length in for loop

Patricia Shanahan <>
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 20:17:18 -0800
On 12/23/2010 7:46 PM, Steven Kennedy wrote:

I have a web application where I am extracting horse race information
from the internet. I have 3 main objects: "horse" which stores the
name and odds of the horse; "race" which has an array of horse objects
which are in the race; and "track" which has an array of race objects
which are run on the same day.

The part of the application which extracts the data from the internet
is working fine.

I am then trying to loop through each race on the track to determine
the most likely horse to win, but am having problems with the loop.
The array of races in the track seems to have length zero for a good
portion of the loop, then slowly increases to the correct length

I would be surprised if the problem were in the loop you show for two

1. It is a nice simple for-loop that will call println exactly once for
each element of the track.getRaces() result.

2. If the problem were where you are looking for it, you would probably
have found it already.

I suggest switching your attention to the code that builds the
getRaces() result.

My debugging code is basically

Track t = new Track(); //This initialises the race and horse arrays
for (Race r : track.getRaces()){
     System.out.println("for race" + r.getRaceNumber() + " there is " +
r.getHorse().length + " horses");

The output is something like:
for race 1 there is 0 horses
for race 1 there is 0 horses
for race 1 there is 0 horses
for race 1 there is 0 horses
for race 1 there is 1 horses
for race 1 there is 1 horses
for race 1 there is 2 horses
for race 1 there is 2 horses
for race 1 there is 3 horses
for race 2 there is 0 horses
for race 2 there is 0 horses
for race 8 there is 15 horses

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