Re: Efficiency/Reliablility of Scaled Up JTable

Eric Sosman <esosman@comcast-dot-net.invalid>
Mon, 29 Apr 2013 08:41:34 -0400
On 4/29/2013 8:13 AM, wrote:

If I have a JTable with a lot of colors, and if the application deletes and then adds columns to it will the performance degrade if I go from a 30 X 30 table to a 1000 X 100 table, please explain.

     If you're being reasonably careful,[*] the performance
shouldn't be bad. Remember, only the visible portion of the
table needs painting,[**] so only the visible cells' values
need to be retrieved and rendered. Off-screen areas won't
affect the performance much.

     Using many -- or few -- colors should make no measurable

     [*] For example, firing "minimal" change events. If your
model changes one cell's value and then says "The world has
changed," the table will spend time refreshing all the cells
that didn't change, too. Fire events that describe the actual
changes as particularly as possible.

     [**] If you're displaying all 100,000 cells simultaneously,
you either (1) have a truly enormous screen or (2) have made
all the cells so tiny they can't show much information. My
1920x1080 display could devote fewer than 21 pixels to each of
100,000 cells, fewer pixels than a mouse pointer uses -- and
that's not counting borders, window decorations, ...

Eric Sosman

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