Re: Simple java question...
gbattine wrote:
package giu;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
public class ViewUtils {
public static Object eval(String expr) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ValueBinding binding
= context.getApplication().createValueBinding(expr);
return binding.getValue(context);
and in my experiment class i have the add method that is like(i post
the important code)
if (conn != null) {
Object bean = ViewUtils.eval("#{authenticationBean}");
PreparedStatement pst2 = null;
pst2 = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
pst2.setString(1, bean.loginName);
pst2.setString(2, bean.teamName);
pst2.setString(3, platform);
where authenticationBean is the bean from which i want extracting
loginName and teamName fields..
my compiler says loginName and teamName can't be resolved...please help
Now this is *really* basic stuff. How much experience do you have in
basic java programming? Anyway, you have to cast bean to the appropriate
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