Re: Array reference in for loop

Patricia Shanahan <>
Tue, 14 Aug 2007 09:15:38 -0700
IchBin wrote: wrote:

I have a validate method in a bean class that works and now I want to
condense it into a for loop.

Here is what I have:

 //firstname and lastname are declared earlier
 public boolean validate()
    boolean allOk=true;
    if (firstName.equals("")) {
      errors.put("firstName","Please enter your first name");
    if (lastName.equals("")) {
      errors.put("lastName","Please enter your last name");
    return allOk;

My attempt doesnt work because I cant seem to figure out how to put
the array reference in the key part of the errors.put method:

 public boolean validate()
    boolean allOk=true;
    String [] myarray = {firstname, lastname}
    for(int i=0;i < myarray.length;i++)
    if (myarray[i].equals("")) {
      errors.put(myarray[i],"Please enter your " + myarray[i]);
    return allOk;

The results dont validate any of my data so I assume I have something
wrong with my array. Please advise.

Quick and dirty:

    public boolean validate()
        boolean allOk=true;
        String [] myarray = {firstName, lastName,
                            "first Name","last Name"};
        for(int i=0;i < myarray.length;i++){
            if (myarray[i].equals("")) {
                errors.put(myarray[i] + " Please enter your " +
        return allOk;

There are two needs for a String array, providing the labels for using
in the message and holding the input. Why not use two arrays, one for
each job?

     public boolean validate()
         boolean allOk=true;
         String[] input = {firstName, lastName};
         String[] labels = {"first Name","last Name"};
         for(int i=0;i < input.length;i++){
             if (input[i].equals("")) {
                 errors.put(input[i] + " Please enter your " +
         return allOk;

I don't like names like "myarray", because they are often associated
with constructs that do not have a single clear purpose.


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