Re: got a problem with jtextfiled..

jlc488 <>
Sun, 25 Nov 2007 05:44:35 -0800 (PST)
On 11=EC=9B=9425=EC=9D=BC, =EC=98=A4=ED=9B=849=EC=8B=9C51=EB=B6=84, "Matt Hu=
mphrey" <> wrote:

"jlc488" <> wrote in message

On 11 =BF=C3=B925=C3=80=C3=8F, =BF=C3=80=C3=88=C3=848 =BD=C3=8301=

 =BA=C3=90, "Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe> wrote:

hiwa wrote:

let's say....i have a jtextfiled ....


Wa, wa, wa, wait! Some of JTextComponent methods are thread safe. Your=

original code should run normally as is. Try this:

Good point. OTOH, I think this problem *might* be
better suited to a progress bar (which would require
accounting for the 'update on EDT'). Try doing this
using AWT!

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import javax.swing.*;

public class SwingProgress {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

     JFrame frame = new JFrame();
     int num = 1000;
     JProgressBar pb = new JProgressBar(0,num);
     frame.getContentPane().add(pb, BorderLayout.CENTER);

     for( int i =0; i<=num; i++){


Andrew Thompson

Message posted via

ok...if i run above codes inside the main function...then it would be
fine....but..the..problem is...

i'm running this...using Jbutton....

when i click the button...this will trigger the job....

so they are like this....

private void btnStartActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)

private void gogo(){
         for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
               this.txtNo.setText(i+""); <-- swing.J=


               this.txtTest.setText(i+""); <--=

 this one is awt.TextField

               this.progressBar.setValue(i); <-- swi=


   }catch(Exception e ){}

the code is like above..and the class extends JFrame.....

i was using netbean 5.5.1 to desing the UI...and somehow....txtTest
field using awt..only shows the numbers running...and...other..swing
components..are only showing the last number only...i mean like you
said hiwa...if i'm running it inside the main funciton ...

it does not have you have any idea what's wrong with

thanks guys...

Being threadsafe simply means that setText can be called from another
thread--your loop is still blocking the EDT. Andrew's version works =


the main thread is not the EDT whereas "gogo" is invoked on the EDT,
blocking it until the loop ends. For GUI updates to be visible while=


are in progress they must be activated from a different thread so that the=

EDT can keep up the job of updating the screen.

Matt Humphrey =EB=94=B0=EC=98=A8 =ED=85=8D=EC=8A=A4=

=ED=8A=B8 =EC=88=A8=EA=B8=B0=EA=B8=B0 -

- =EB=94=B0=EC=98=A8 =ED=85=8D=EC=8A=A4=ED=8A=B8 =EB=B3=B4=EA=B8=B0 -

oh...ok...if it is that case what should i do ??

any suggestions?? matt??

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