Re: Anonymous inner classes

Tom Anderson <>
Wed, 7 May 2008 18:12:21 +0100
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On Wed, 7 May 2008, Vikram wrote:

On May 7, 8:09?pm, Tom Anderson <> wrote:

On Tue, 6 May 2008, Vikram wrote:

? ? ? I have an anonymous inner class in my code which is getting
called in a for loop as below:

Class X{
? ?public Image ?getImage() {
? ? ? ? return new Image() {
? ? ? .........
? ? ? ..........
? ? ?}
? }

I have a client code which calls the method getImage() in a for loop
as below.

X x = new X();
for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
? ? Image im = x.getImage();

Is there any performance isses if we use the anonymous classes this

No, i don't think so.

The reason I thought of using is I am not changing the Image class
further, just using the values.

That doesn't sound like a great reason to use an anonymous inner class.
Could you explain more about what you're doing in the "........."?

The interface Image is a java bean with around 20-22 setter getters.

Okay. To be honest, i'd write a regular class for this. Using an anonymous
class only saves you one line, so if you're writing 40-44 lines of
content, it's not a big deal. Also, does it have to be an inner class? Is
the definition using the internals of X? If not, writing it as an
anonymous class means that you're putting that 40-odd line definition
inside another class definition, that of X, which just makes X that bit
harder to read, for no good reason.


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