Why jsp can't get the Vector fill with user-defined class by the
Remote interface?
Because It is a big project so i provide a model to express my
Qestion is:I want get the Vector full fill with the a Object in Jsp.
but I can't get it,There will problem will return test return,but we I
Choose String but no class a 's object ,It can be return successful.It
seems that jsp Can't recognize the class a,,but I really include the
Ejb module in jsp's lib.and editor alse prompt a's information.
I alse test it in JBoss server It alse occur Exception!
I cant understand why,
so come to here ask why?Please help me,3ks very much!!!
I use Netbean 6.1,Glassfish.Ejb3
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
public class vectorBean implements vectorRemote {
//Vector v;
//public void Init(){v=new Vector}
public Vector test(){
Vector v=new Vector();
v.add(new a("alex",14));
return v; }
2. a is a simple class
public class a {
public String m;
public int n;
public a(String m, int n) {
this.m = m;
this.n = n;
getter,and setters!
InitialContext ctx=new InitialContext();
vectorRemote s=(vectorRemote)ctx.lookup("T");
Vector v=s.test();
Enumeration e=v.elements();
a p=(a)e.nextElement();