Re: Serialised applets using the Sun Plug-in

Thomas Hawtin <>
Sun, 03 Dec 2006 00:32:16 +0000
Andrew Thompson wrote:

..What is that actual point of serialising applets?

A quick bit of googling led me to these possible
advantages ..
 - can encapsulate applet
    1) binary,
    2) resources,
    3) state *and*
    4) parameters.
 - ..that's it really. (is there something I missed?)

I cannot see the point in storing the state of
the applet (I *could* as far as the end user
goes, assuming it could save their 'current work',
but what is the advantage to the deployer?).

There are some reasons why that may be useful:
  o It should be faster to deserialise than load setup code.
  o A serialising bean builder can be used.
  o You might want to manipulate the applet by hand to a particular
state. Put some values into a pretty pattern generator, for instance.

Given the apparent bug you could go and modify the applet to load a
serialised panel and go from there. However, I'm trying to find some set
of conditions under which the standard mechanism functions correctly. I
guess I need to delve in and find out why I'm getting null for the
resource. :(

Tom Hawtin

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