Re: simple program using java-beans

Daniel Pitts <>
Wed, 13 Feb 2008 23:07:13 -0800
thomas wrote:

Hello I want to use the Javabeans technology in order to allow communication
between two classes. But first things first, the task is like that : we have
to simulate the acquarium and the fishes in it, also there will be a
changable temperature of water. There will be a regulator monitoring the
temperature of water. And there's the problem : In order to singnalise the
temperature's change to the fishes and temperature regulator use the java
beans technology.
 I ' m newbie to java beans, and i dont want to read the whole manual to use
only that one single feature. What is the basic difference between this and
setting a normal listeners, between objects ? Thx for the answer and cheers.

Its not so much a feature but a spec. It is exactly the same as setting
normal listeners between objects. The only difference is in how you
expose it to automatic tools. Since you are creating both beans, and
they don't need to be automatically exposed. I would avoid the
"JavaBean" approach for this listener.

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