Re: maven test-resources
On May 16, 6:51 am, ilkinulas <> wrote:
I am using maven2 and trying to add a directory to the test classpath.
test-resources in the pom.xml is not appended to the test-classpath.
Here's what maven prints when run with -X flag.
[DEBUG] Test Classpath :
[DEBUG] /home/ilkinulas/CVSHOME/DiameterPlatform/
[DEBUG] /home/ilkinulas/CVSHOME/DiameterPlatform/
[DEBUG] /home/ilkinulas/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-
[DEBUG] /home/ilkinulas/.m2/repository/aopalliance/aopalliance/1.0/
[DEBUG] /home/ilkinulas/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-
[DEBUG] /home/ilkinulas/.m2/repository/junit/junit/3.8.1/
And in the pom.xml test resources is declared as follows:
What else I can do to add a custom folder to the test classpath?
Resources are copied to the 'classes' or 'test-classes' directory as
appropriate, not used from their original location in the source tree,
for Java projects. If you absolutely need to add another element to
the test classpath, maven-surefire-plugin has an option named
additionalClasspathElements, which takes a list of path elements to
add to the classpath:
However, before you do this, you should really consider working with,
rather than across, maven's defaults and store your test resources in
src/test/resources, and let maven-resources-plugin copy them to target/
test-classes during the build.