Re: Current thinking on logging?
Chris wrote:
We need to reimplement logging in our app. (It uses an old, home-grown
logger). I have found quite a bit on the web discussing Log4j vs JDK
logging vs Commons Logging. All of it is old, though, written before JDK
1.5 and 1.6 became available.
What is the current thinking on the best way to do logging?
My thoughts so far:
1. We have extreme performance requirements. We need to make several log
entries for every hit on consumer websites with heavy traffic.
2. Everything I read says log4j is better, but we ship a commercial app,
and I really don't want to include yet another .jar file. That means one
more external dependency and one more opportunity for conflicting
versions, etc. All things being equal, using something built into the
JDK would be better.
3. Based on personal experience, I can say that commons logging is a
mistake. It causes classloader hell. We can't always control the
environments we run in.
Have there been significant improvements to JDK logging since version
1.4? Or are we better off going with Log4j?
I am all for log4j.
Better performance.
More appenders.
And I would be very surprised if JEE app did not need log4j
for something meaning that you would need to have it anyway.
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