Re: Giving an application a window icon in a sensible way
"Twisted" <> wrote in message
I find the phenomenon of topic drift curious. There seems to be a
recurrent pattern in this group in which a person creates an initial
topic of some Java related sort or another and the topic quickly drifts
to criticism and "bashing" of the person that started the thread.
It doesn't happen to everyone who posts here, but it does seem to happen
to a lot of your posts, so maybe there's something about the style of your
writing that attracts these responses. For example, in one of your posts,
you wrote "I may have discovered another bug in the 1.6.0 release candidate
library implementation." which sounded a bit on the arrogant side to me.
You also seem to think this newsgroup is a lot more social than I think
it is. You've told two stories about how your browser has misbehaved,
perhaps thinking it exposes your human side, allowing us to relate and
establish some camaderie, but in my mind, I figure most people are waiting
for you to get to the point, so they can answer your Java question. I didn't
say anything (until now) 'cause it really wasn't my place to do so, and
because maybe you're right and I'm wrong (about the socialness of this
I mention it now to advise you to not takes things too personally.
People are posting answers here, not only for you, but for future readers
who, perhaps months from now, will have the same problem you're having, and
will search the google archives for an answer and find this post. It's great
that you got an answer that works for you, but the people here want to make
sure that the future readers will understand that there's a conventional,
"standard" solution for this problem, and that it's better than your
solution for certain situations.
Of course, these people, being human, have some emotional attachment to
their solutions. They downplay the reasons why your solution might be better
than theirs. IMHO, if you're happy with your solution, stick with it. If
later on, you start having problems with your solution, come back and
re-read this thread, and see if the alternatives proposed here address some
of those problems.
I think all the benefits of using the classloader to load the image have
been said. Any future person reading this thread will be able to make an
informed decision. In Twisted's particular case, (s)he prefers hardcoding
the image. You might think that's a really dumb choice, but hey: people are
free to make dumb choices if they want to, right?
- Oliver