Re: Giving an application a window icon in a sensible way

"Oliver Wong" <>
Thu, 30 Nov 2006 15:00:06 -0500
"Twisted" <> wrote in message

Tom Forsmo wrote:


Basically. Although, obviously, not because of my weight. Presumably
something innocuous but eccentric in my mannerisms set them off.

Now we are getting somewhere, but why do you think its innocuous?

Because it bloody well is! I harbor(ed) no harmful intent or ill wishes
towards anyone, and I did nothing irresponsible (foreseeably risking
someone else's harm without their consent) either (online, the only
example of such behavior I can think of at the moment is posting
someone's unmunged email address in the clear and thereby exposing them
to spam...)

Any behavior that is not intentionally harmful, nor negligent, is by
definition innocuous. It may be eccentric, but people can ignore it
with impunity (unlike, say, a knife-charge, or being exposed to spam).

    I don't think anyone was being intentionally harmful, nor negligent,
when they asked you what advantages your approach had over
ClassLoader.getResource(), nor with the several other replies you initially
received but took as insults.


This is the 21st century and I am in a democracy and I expect
to be treated as "equal under the law" by those I deal with, online or

    The Internet is not governed via democracy.


when you enter an arena where you dont know the background of the
people who are there. You really need to figure who to listen to and who
not to listen to, i.e. who knows more than you and who does not. Then
you simply and politely ignore people who say nothing interresting, and
you listen to the ones who do know what they are talking about.

And be seen and not heard, no doubt. That is the way I hear they do
things where you apparently come from (based on your attitudes and your
reference to Kim Jong-Il), but that is not the way of my part of the
world and it is not my way.

    Why should the rest of this newsgroup conform to your way, as opposed to
you conforming to this newsgroups way?

    - Oliver

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