Re: Multiple .properties loading from jar file

 Owen Jacobson <>
Mon, 06 Aug 2007 01:14:29 -0700
On Aug 6, 12:22 am, vachacz <> wrote:

Hi !

I have a strange issue with .properties loading. I'm developing swing
application and i'd like to add internationalization. It doesn't
matter how i solved this issue, because it works ;) i have only one
problem ...

I need several .properties files. The amount can be dinamic, and i
want to load ResourceBundles at runtime.
First use case:
   - application start from $APP/app.jar
   - i have a direcotry $APP/i18n where property files are located
   - at runtime i list $APP/i18n files and load all bundles dinamicly

it works ... but for user simlicity i'd like to hide $APP/i18n into
$APP/app.jar (META-INF/i18n)

there is common mechanism for loading such resources
  - getClass().getResource("...");
  - getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("...");
i can load properties using such methods, but i don't know to list all
properties resources in current jar. is it possible to solve this
issue ?

thx for your help
=A3ukasz Wachowicz

ps: there's a solution to open $APP/app.jar programmatically. API to
list jar entries is avaliable, but it does not look like good
solution ...

The obvious solution, to me, would be to have a single "root"
configuration file that lists the properties files to load, rather
than trying to detect all of them and determine which ones are the
ones you want. Even a flat text file with one resource-relative
filename per line would work pretty well.


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