Re: How to access a member constant by FQN
Sideswipe wrote:
SomeInterface X = ..? // do the above given only this string:
"MyConsts.CONST1"; // This string is passed at runtime
My gut feeling is... if you need "MyConstants" and you get passed
"MyConstants.CONST1" you've been supplied an incorrect parameter.
You write a function. You need to be passed a 3. Someone passes you a
4. This is wrong. You could subtract one from four to get three, but
then if you *ARE* passed a 3 you'd end up with a 2, and this is wrong.
How do you solve this dilemma?
Throw an error if you get passed something besides a 3. Anything else
is incorrect, it's that simple.
I guess you could try to instantiate the string you get. If it doesn't
go, try stripping off one "." and try again. That's all I can think of.
You could also, I suppose, search through the class path and try to
ID which parts of the string are package and which parts are class. You
are just duplicating the effort that the classloader will make when you
try to instantiate a class tho, I think.
If you have more control over your input, pass two parameters. The
first is the class, the second is a field. The second parameter can be
null or "". That's the only other idea I got.