Oops - sorry about the null post.
Lew wrote:
NoClassDefFoundError is the standard response by the JVM when the
desired class, in this case AaaBbb, is not present at run time.
Mike Schilling wrote:
As documented, it's when a class referenced via normal Java
processing (e.g. running "new" on it) can't be found at run time.
Here my code was explicitly calling Classloader.loadClass();
I'm sure that the implementation is something like that. Still, it
wouldn't have been hard for loadClass() to catch the Error and
an Exception; that's the fix I put in. And it would result in the
bloody method behaving as documented.
The documentation says that NoClassDefFoundError is "[t]hrown if the
Java Virtual Machine or a ClassLoader instance tries to load in the
definition of a class (as part of a normal method call or as part of
creating a new instance using the new expression) and no definition
of the class could be found."
You performed a normal method call, 'loadClass()'. My analysis was
that the error occurred on the attempt to load the class, completely
consistent with the documentation that it occurs when the JVM or
"ClassLoader instance tries to load in the definition". This
happened at run time. The action was entirely consistent with the