Re: I have problem about applet deployment with jar files.
On Sep 22, 11:33 pm, crazytazo <> wrote:
I'm developing java applet.
You poor thing.
..but I have faced one problem.
Ha! Famous last words.
I expect you have actually faced your *first* applet problem,
more will come when you fix that one, then still more when
the applet reaches its end users. ;-)
My code running very well, on applet viewer.
Never trust applet viewer. On some versions of Java,
it does not even behave remotely the same as an applet
in a browser.
but my webserver didn't.
html code is follow.
applet test page.
<applet name = "myApplet" code="BizApplet" width=400 height=500
archive="Applet1.jar, swingx-0.9.3.jar,
org.apache.commons.logging_1.0.4.v20080605-1930.jar, axis.jar, commons-
discovery-0.2.jar, javax.wsdl_1.5.1.v200806030408.jar, jaxrpc.jar,
<INPUT type="button" value="call Java Applet method"
onClick = "document.myApplet.test()"></INPUT>
The JS interaction should not work, as the applet element does not
declare the MAYSCRIPT flag. But I am going to bet you are using IE?
It is the only browser I know that will allow JS interaction short of
declaring the MAYSCRIPT attribute.
IllegalName: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//
at java.lang.ClassLoader.preDefineClass(Unknown Source)
Java try find class through wrong response.
By 'response', do you mean the applet is reading this information
from somewhere else? Where and how?
Why is this happen?
Not sure, but make sure all the HTML used is validated against a
DTD. Note that while your applet HTML seems logical to my eye, it
is not valid.
My applet was code signed correctly.
Many applets that are signed do not need to be signed. If the applet
does not need to be signed, it adds extra hassle to deploy, and will
not fix the problem.
Andrew T.