Re: Finding resources on classpath specific entry

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Fri, 10 Jul 2009 20:14:48 -0400
Karsten Wutzke wrote:

While you're right, the things is, I'm looking for a solution to work
with applets. I can't package a JAR that includes look and feels as
this would result in a JAr that's ~10 times the size of the actual
JAR. So I must somehow find ways to search other places.

I haven't found a satisfying approach so far. All I want is to make
use of look and feel JARs that are available on the downloader's
system. Where to look, I haven't made a final decision yet. I'm still
trying to find out. Input welcome.

I started out with running it from the classed from the dev tree,
adding the look and feel JARs to the classpath. I can also produce a
fat JAR which includes everything, this would be the approach to use
with applications. I can start my applet as one locally, but I can't
distribute that JAR, since it would require the user to download 15 or
20MB just for the applet.

Would it be an option to pack different L&F's in different jar files
and load the correct one explicit via URLClassLoader ?


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