Re: Aspect questions?

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Sun, 26 Feb 2012 19:43:28 -0500
On 2/26/2012 7:08 PM, Arved Sandstrom wrote:

On 12-02-26 07:36 PM, Arne Vajh?j wrote:

On 2/26/2012 1:10 PM, markspace wrote:

On 2/26/2012 9:22 AM, Novice wrote:

If so, the next logical step would be to treat all the stuff in the
Common project similarly. If I put all of those classes in package
com.novice.common, then each class would have this:

Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.novice.common");

Just as an aside, it's more common to use something like

java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger( getClass().getName() );

instead of a string constant. String constants probably won't be
refactored when a class is renamed or moved to another package. The
above needs no refactoring.



This section points out that it's more efficient to use "static" for the
logger. In desktop apps, that's what I'm used to seeing. However it also
says that "static" interacts poorly with JEE classloaders, so using
instance variables is the norm in JEE (and w/ Tomcat too).

What does "interacts poorly with JEE classloaders" mean??


Probably this:

This is a page that's been out there for quite a few years.

As the blurb itself states, this is not a problem with your own code
that you're deploying as EARs. You can use static loggers in there all
you like. I've seen a number of long-running 24/7 J2EE/Java EE apps that
do just that, and they work fine, with perfectly independent logging,
because their own application classloaders take care of business.

I don't get it.

If log4j classes are loaded by the container classloader, then
the apps should share logging no matter whether the refs are
static or not.

Sure it can be a problem sharing logging.

But I can not see what static versus non static refs has
to do with that.


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