Re: Question about loggers

Robert Klemme <>
Fri, 09 Mar 2012 20:29:06 +0100
On 09.03.2012 16:54, markspace wrote:

Robert Klemme wrote:

Truth is that static loggers are recommended for application code;
only for library code they recommend against static loggers.

By "application" do you mean JEE app or desktop app?

It's not me! I am just quoting. Please read what they write.

Either way, I don't understand your assertion. Why would static vs.
instance make any difference in a library, assuming no shared or other
special classloaders are in use?

Again: it's not my assertion. You were the one who brought up best
practices from Apache Commons:

On 08.03.2012 19:05, markspace wrote:

Also be aware that while static loggers are common in Java in general,
instance loggers are recommended best practice according the the Apache
Commons website.

I was just pointing out that what you claimed Apache Commons best
practices is (instance loggers as _general_ best practice) is not what
they are actually stating (instance loggers for _library code_).



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