Re: Can this callback mechanism be generified?
I managed to make the API just slightly easier to use, by extracting the
type from Callback<T> rather than requiring an explicit Class to be
supplied along with it. It's not pretty but I'm not sure of how to
extract type T, since I guess its not readily available on the account
of generics by erasure:
interface Callback<T> {
String format(T object);
class Somewhere {
Map<Class<?>, Callback<?>> callbacks
= new HashMap<Class<?>, Callback<?>>();
public <T> void installCallback(Callback<T> callback) {
callbacks.put(extractGenericType( callback ), callback);
private <T> Class extractGenericType(Callback<T> callback){
Class clazz = Object.class;
String interfaces =
int genTypeStart = interfaces.indexOf("<")+1;
int genTypeEnd = interfaces.lastIndexOf(">");
String genType = interfaces.substring( genTypeStart, genTypeEnd);
clazz = Class.forName(genType);
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex){}
return clazz;
public <T> void doCallback(T obj) {
final Callback<? super T> callback = getCallback(obj);
if(callback != null)
System.out.println( callback.format( obj ) );
private <T> Callback<? super T> getCallback(T obj) {
return (Callback<? super T>) callbacks.get(obj.getClass());
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Somewhere().installCallback( new Callback<Date>(){
public String format(Date date) {
return SimpleDateFormat.getInstance().format(date);