Re: Can a ResultSet be passed back to a main program
On 2011-10-10, markspace <-@> wrote:
On 10/9/2011 7:32 PM, Linus Flustillbe wrote:
1. Create a class that
a) creates a connection to an oracle database
b) run a simple query to get a result set
c) pass the result set back to a calling program.
Most of this information can be found in the Java tutorials. Are you
using those?
I actually figured it out on my own without the aid of the tutorials or
JLS. Google is my friend.. :-)
import java.sql.*;
import mainClasses.*;
public class connectionTest {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException
String tableName="LU_MEDIA_USAGE";
TableConnect myConnection = new TableConnect();
Statement stmt = myConnection.getStatement();
ResultSet rset = myConnection.GetResultSet(stmt, tableName);
ResultSetMetaData rsetmd = rset.getMetaData();
while ( {
for (int i=1;i<=rsetmd.getColumnCount();i++)
System.out.print (rset.getString(i) + " " );
if ( i == rsetmd.getColumnCount())
CL Computer Language <--->
COM Comedy <--->
CS Computer Software <--->
DRA Drama <--->
HIS History <--->
HOR Horror <--->
NF Non-Fiction <--->
OPS Operating System <--->
REC Recreational/Gaming <--->
ROM Romance <--->
SF Science Fiction <--->
THR Thriller <--->
TR Theological Resource <--->
I wanted to just show the values of each column so I googled and found
out about the ResultSetMetaData and used the javadocs to find the
method on the result set to create the metadata. Interesting stuff,
this jdbc stuff... I can't wait until I actually start designing and
coding the GUI that I plan on. I'm just learning about the nuts and
bolts right now.
FYI - I have my own local copy of the tutorials in case oracle is ever
down as well as the API. I haven't gotten around to the JLS yet but
will shortly.
* Usenet Impovement Project