Re: Applet xxxx notinited

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Wed, 22 Aug 2007 14:21:05 GMT
reexana wrote:


Yes, this pretty much backs up my earlier comment..
"* BTW - a bit of a Google suggests that web start
based launch of Java3D is quite doable, but that
applets might require Java3D installed locally,
before they can run."

I cannot view the applet and the error message shows that : Loading
Java Applet Failed

Why is that so?

Because either Java3D is not installed locally, or it
is installed in a different JRE to the one used by the
browser. (Is my best guess).

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: vrml/external/field/EventOutObserver


Any suggestion is appreciated.

Most Java3D apps. (both applications and applets)
are launched using web start.

If you wanted to experiemt with a web start launch,
you might try the file below as a basis for the launch

Note that all resources for web start apps. need to
be Jar's, so I am assuming that you will put the three
classes in the directory of the server into a jar by the
name of 'morph.jar', in that same directory.

For the layout described above, this content, as
'morph3d.jnlp', located in the main directory (the
'codebase') should launch it on-screen.

Note that the missing classes should (AFAIU) be
includeded in the second JNLP referenced in this
one - the extension. The Java3D API can be got
directly from the deployers.

Here is the launch file..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0"
  <title>Morph - Java 3D</title>
  <jar href="java/morph.jar"/>
    name="Java3D extension (latest)"/>


Andrew Thompson

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