Re: Static method

"" <>
Sat, 3 May 2008 19:16:40 -0700 (PDT)

Probably a better way to handle this is just to use a setter to set the
value of valor.

public class BeanWrapper {

   private int valor;

   public static void setValor( int v )
     valor = v;

   public static List createBeanCollection()
     return miDao.onbtenObjectosPorId( valor );


but with this code you will get an "non-static variable valor cannot
be referenced from a static context" so this wont work.

Now this is a tad dangerous, you'll get issues with concurrency and
what-not. But it might suit your needs.

yes in fact i was thinking in sincronized code in the method that
calls this class.

Have you considered a non-static method? It seems to me that would solve
a lot more problems. You could also inject a non-static object into the
wrapper class.

the problem is that this is the signature a must use. i cant rewrite
it to "public List mimethod()" this is an ibatis requirementin order
to populate a report whit objects instead of using an sql data source.

public class BeanWrapper {

   private Beans b;

   public static void setValor( Beans v )
     b = v;

   public static List createBeanCollection()
     return b.onbtenObjectosPorId();


yes it souns fine. but the problem is the same i mentioned above.

where a Beans object has the "valor" injected into it, ie.,

   setValor( new Beans( 1 ) );

Now you also have a fully constructed object that you can synchronize
on, for example. And it's private, so no one else can call it but your
createBeanCollection() method.

thank you for your time.

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