Re: Immutable Datastructures with good Sharing

Lew <>
Sun, 6 Nov 2011 17:29:30 -0800 (PST)
Giovanni Azua wrote:

Lew wrote:

Giovanni Azua wrote:

I really enjoy the improvement in code readability as well, it suits the
appropriate template types e.g.

// from
List<RequestData> requests = new ArrayList<RequestData>();

// to
List<RequestData> requests = Lists.newArrayList();

I'm not saying anything against Guava, but I fail to see the advantage of that
particular idiom. 'Lists.newArrayList' vs. 'new ArrayList<>' - eh, mezza

I don't blame you. I had the same resistant first reaction when I was
proposed to use Guava. Then something magical happened :) I realized that
when you use new with Collections, generally you have to tell the compiler
two times what you want namely the generic parameter. I think that having to
do the same thing two times in development is always a bad thing: two times
harder to maintain, two times the amount of possible mistakes and in short,
two times the amount of work.

The diamond operator mitigates that, and the two characters of it are smaller than the overhead of pulling in a whole other class.

I think pulling in a whole utility class at runtime because you're too lazy to type two extra characters, or even a dozen, is silly. Roofers are laughing at your idea of too much work.

But that's just me.


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