Re: Aspect questions?

Daniel Pitts <>
Wed, 29 Feb 2012 09:14:00 -0800
On 2/29/12 7:00 AM, Novice wrote:

Lew<> wrote in news:jihabg$3oo$

On 02/27/2012 02:50 PM, Novice wrote:

Implementations of 'List<E>' include 'ArrayList<E>' and

Oops, I got the standard API and the Apache Commons Collections API
mixed up. Sorry.

Why don't you take a break and read the Javadocs for these three

I've got interface List<E> and class ArrayList<E> (which implements
List<E> among other interfaces) but I don't have TreeList<E>. I
mostly still use the Java 1.6 API but even the Java 1.7 API doesn't
have a TreeList. What did you mean to say? And what do you want me to
learn? I'm guessing you want me to see how a class makes use of an
Interface but possibly you have something more specific in mind?

No, I made a mistake. There is such a thing but I didn't really mean
to recommend something outside the standard API.

No worries!

But if you ever do want 'TreeList', here's what I was misremembering:

Commons Collections is a very popular package that aims to expand and
augment the standard Collections API.

I'm already a fan of the Collections classes in regular Java and use them
eagerly. I must have a look at Commons Collections now....

Apache commons has a lot of useful libraries that are missing from core
Java. The StringUtils are very useful as well.

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