Re: Newbie: cloning a Number

Patricia Shanahan <>
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:28:00 GMT
Eric Sosman wrote:

Patricia Shanahan wrote:

Philipp wrote:

I have a class which take a Number as argument. I want to store it by
making a copy in a member of the class. I thought about using clone,
but my Eclipse IDE gives me an "Type mismatch: cannot convert from
Object to Number" error.
How should I do it? Thanks for your answers.

Number does not itself implement Cloneable, and immediately extends
Object, so I don't think it can be cloned.

Are you sure you need to clone the Number, rather than just keeping a
reference? There are a couple of new subclasses, AtomicInteger and
AtomicLong, but most Number subclasses have immutable objects.

    Two notable exceptions (I'd never have noticed had not Joshua
Bloch pointed it out) are BigDecimal and BigInteger. The classes
in java.math are immutable, but they are non-final classes and so
can be extended, and the unknown subclasses could be mutable.

Yup, you can't resolve the issue just by instanceof testing for those


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