Re: Threads having datamember as HashMap
vivek_12315 wrote:
I am producing a scenario, where say 10 Threads have their 10 private
HashMaps .... And T[i] just modifies its own copy of H[i] .....
I hope this type of model shall work (leaving the argument that
"HashMap is not ThreadSafe"
Right ?
There are thread-safe Maps in the API.
Think in terms of interfaces, really types, and not concrete classes
as you're doing. You need a thread-safe HashMap, you say? Why a
HashMap and not some other Map, then? There are two easy ones:
'Collections.synchronizedMap( someMap )' and
'java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap'. They support different
degrees of thread safety.
The easiest thread safety is not to share data, as you stated in your
post. Local variables tend to be thread-isolated, as for example:
public void foo()
Map <Foo, Bar> map = new HashMap <Foo, Bar> ();
// use 'map' without exposing it to any other threads
'ThreadLocal' is effective but trickier.
Its purpose is to make data "globally" available "locally" to a
thread, loosely speaking, that is, to have a thread-contained
reference with wider scope or longer lifetime than a local variable.
Personally I avoid 'ThreadLocal' references, perhaps foolishly.
Immutable references to immutable instances are thread-safe as long as
their initialization /happens-before/ any thread's attempt to read
Robert Klemme wrote:
If you are interested in the topic I recommend Doug Lea's book.
Also Brian Goetz's, et al. Mr. Goetz is also a frequent writer on
concurrency topics in IBM Developerworks and other places.