Re: problem with Crimson parser
in message <>, gk
('') wrote:
".....Crimson parser is bundled by default with JDK 1.4.To override
this parser we need to run our example with -Djava.endorsed.dirs
(1) why people dont want to use Crimson parser ?
I do use it, but it's old and no longer really supported so I ought to sort
out the problems I'm having with Xerces.
(2) according to above comment , so we can run like this..
java -classpath .; -Djava.endorsed.dirs=c:\xerces\lib SAXParserExample
what does "-Djava.endorsed.dirs" do ? it says "override"
does JVM identifies it ? does it searches the "c:\xerces\lib"
directory and try to match whether there is a similar kind of API
already exists in JDK or not ? if it finds , then it overrides with
the new one ......does it work this way ?
(3) ok, we can override the XML parser for JVM as above....but how do
we do it , when its an web application.
Drop you preferred parser's JAR file into WEB-INF/lib, set up a
context-param to say which parser you want to use:
org.apache.crimson.tree.DOMImplementationImpl </param-value>
<description>The DOM implementation to use. I'm currently supplying
Crimson with PRES rather than Xerces, because it
works better. </description>
Read that parameter and instantiate the parser you want:
String s = config.getValueAsString( "dom_implementation_class" );
if ( domImp == null )
if ( s != null )
domImpName = s;
domImp =
(DOMImplementation) Class.forName( domImpName )
.newInstance( );
catch ( Exception any )
throw new InitialisationException( "Could not find DOM " +
"implementation " + domImpName );
For example, i have a server which has a XML parser shipped with it
.....but i am using "xerces" ..... in this case , how do i override it
and where to override it ? how can i reject the parser shipped with the
server and adopt the new one which i am using ?
what is the command for that ?
I am not specifying the server name . because , if i say Tomcat ...then
you might say, delete the JAR files from servers lib directory (really,
is it a solution ?) and it will automatically picks up your new JAR
file "xerces"....but there must be some other way out without deleting
the JAR files shipped with the not it ?
It would be a solution to replace the jar file in the server lib directory,
but I wouldn't do that, because other webapps on the same server may
prefer the default setup. Instead, put the jar file you want in your own
webapp's lib directory, as I've suggested above.
-- (Simon Brooke)
Due to financial constraints, the light at the end of the tunnel
has been switched off.