Re: Best way to do this?

Alan Gutierrez <>
Thu, 22 Jul 2010 11:34:09 -0500
harryajh wrote:

I have to process a large number of database records, examine a column
value (can be 10 different values) and set a bean's property depending
on that fields values e.g (vastly cut down)

  ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

  while (true)
        ret = new myBean();

        String propName = rs.getString(2);

        if (propName.equalsIgnoreCase("licence_number"))
        else if (propName.equalsIgnoreCase("return_requirement_id"))

Hopefully its relativily easy to follow what I'm trying to do, my big
problem though is using a "String" to hold the fields value, this
obviously is not a good idea and surely for performance reasons
neither would -

  if (rs.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("licence_number"))

or wouldn't it make much difference getting the field value up to 10

Probably not, but it looks right to me to put into a local variable
something that you are going to reference 10 times locally, and the
method chaining looks repetitious.

A bit lost as to what's the best/efficient way to do this, should I
use a StringBuffer every time? would it be garbage collected? - any
other ideas?

Now for another installment of micro-optimization theater.

JDBC is going to give you a String. That String is going to be created
by JDBC. You cannot tell JDBC to reuse a StringBuffer or change the JDBC
API. (Cue the poster who shows me how you can use JDBC do just that. The
point is that if an API is returning a String there not much you can do
about it, and you shouldn't worry about it.)

In this microcosm of your application, when you get the String from the
ResultSet you are going use that same string for all 10 comparisons.
There is no place to insert a StringBuffer or StringBuilder here to make
things faster. Neither of them implement equals, so you would have to
create a String from them to do the comparison, or far worse, write your
own equality function that compares StringBuilder.

Short lived objects are cheap to create and collect.

You are not building a String, so StringBuilder buys you nothing, or if
it buys does you something I'm certain it is not worth the cost in your

The slow part of this code is going to be the round trip to the
database, which might be adjustable, but the driver JDBC will probably
do the right thing and chunk up the transfers.

That is unless your large number of database records are part of a query
that is poorly designed. I'd run the query from the RBMS console get
timings, add indexes, try different joins, normalize, denormalize, and
hint until it was spewing rows quickly.

Basically, by the time you're fussing around with StringBuilder, the
real work has already been done, and the time it takes to do the real
work is what will determine its speed.

IJeff Atwood illustrates the futility of micro-optimization using a
String example, so this should really speak to you.

Alan Gutierrez - -

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