Re: exception report

"Oliver Wong" <>
Mon, 31 Jul 2006 15:05:33 GMT
<> wrote in message

  When my java application throw an exception, it will connect to
MySQL, dump the exception to it. My java software is open source, so i
scare everyone will know my mysql password because the password is
inside the code.
  I can pack the class that connect to mysql to another jar, and don't
release this piece of source code, but this is not open source and not
what i want. Any other way?

    Create a new user account for your MySQL DB which only has INSERT
priviliges into your table. Have your Java program use that password.

    Now people can insert into your DB, but they can't delete or do other
stuff to it.

    You'll still be vulnerable to DOS (Denial of Service) attacks in which a
malicious user tries to make a billion inserts into your table, but I think
it's impossible to avoid that. At best, you could add an extra processing
layer between the DB (e.g. a WebService), which checks against duplicate
entries, or flooding from a single IP address or something like that.

    - Oliver

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