Re: Visitor pattern vs if-ladder

Tom Anderson <>
Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:54:33 +0100
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Daniel Pitts wrote:

Philipp wrote:

I think about replacing an if-ladder (with instanceof calls) in my
code with a visitor pattern,

Maybe consider adding an enum type-token, and using an EnumMap<Vehical.Type,

public class CountAccumulator {
 private int count;
 public void increment() { ++count; }
 public int get() { return count; }

I usually avoid enum for type-tokens, but this seems like an appropriate
place to apply them, since you are looking for a very specific set of

I suspect my discomfort with type tokens is the same as yours, and stems
from the incomplete static typing: there's nothing stopping Car.getType()
returning VehicleType.BIKE.

But is there any clever generic trickery we could do to fix that?

[goes off and has a play]

Well, you can't make enums generic, so no, apparently not. Hmm.

It also would reduce the size of your count method/visitor

Map<Vehical.Type, CountAccumulator> count(Collection<Vehical> vehicals){
 Map<Vehical.Type, CountAccumulator> counts =
     new EnumMap<Vehical.Type, CountAccumulator>(CarType.class);
  for (Vehical.Type type: Vehical.Type.values()) {
     counts.put(type, new CountAccumulator());
  for (Vehical vehical: vehicals) {
  return counts;

Good call! I was thinking you'd still have to write a switch on the enum,
but the EnumMap makes things very compact, but still fast.


.... the gripping first chapter, which literally grips you because it's
printed on a large clamp.

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