Re: How to design proper classes when the requirements are quite complex?

Lew <>
Sat, 26 Apr 2008 22:35:15 -0400
Mark Space wrote:

tenxian wrote:

Sometimes I feel it is difficult to deal with complex requirements
with an object-oriented approach.Can any experienced Java programmer
give me any advice?

Yes, hire an experienced designer.

You can look on the internet for "Best Practice" for ideas how to proceed.


Looking myself, I'm reminded that you probably don't want object
oriented design, what you want is project management. Hire a manager
with experience in software.

Here's a couple of thoughts if you're totally stuck:

"Build one to throw away." If you don't understand your requirements,
on thing you can do is build a prototype. This will help you understand
what the requirements really are. Once this is accomplished, you'll
have a better idea what the real requirements will be.


Make sure you have plenty of time, and plenty of money. Don't spend
money too fast. Software is very labor intensive, don't try to force
short deadlines. Better to cut features. Two years is not that long
for a new software project. Make sure you can fund it the whole time.

Finally, read this:


According to Steve McConnell in /Rapid Development/ and other sources, the
cost of software development is inversely proportional to the fourth power of
the time allotted.


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