Re: Searching for a notion

Owen Jacobson <>
Tue, 2 Sep 2008 00:45:46 -0700 (PDT)
On Sep 1, 9:56 pm, (Stefan Ram) wrote:

  =BBout=AB is a field of the class =BBjava.lang.System=AB,
  =BBprintln=AB is a method of the object =BBjava.lang.System.out=AB.

  Both classes and objects each can have fields and methods.
  Fields and methods of a class are called =BBstatic=AB,
  fields and methods of an object are called =BBnon-static=AB (or so).

  Is there a supernotion for both classes and objects that
  means something like

      =BBan entity that can have fields and methods=AB,

  so that classes and objects are subnotions of this supernotion?

                  ^ / \ ^
                is-a/ \is-a
                   / \
                  / \
               class object

  (In a sense a class is an object, but is more like a singleton
  with static lifetime. However, a class is not an object in the
  strict JLS sense of the word object, so I can't use =BBobject=AB
  for this notion.)

The notion of a "metaclass" is useful here. A metaclass is a class
whose instances are classes. In Java, the closest thing to a
metaclass is 'Class' itself, as Object.class.class is Class<Class>.
Systems like Python and Smalltalk have more fully-featured metaclasses
and even allow programmers to define their own.

The definitions of "root" metaclasses -- the ones included in a
language -- tend to either be axiomatic ("it is this way by
definition") or circular.

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