Re: Design Questions about static factory classes

Eric Sosman <esosman@ieee-dot-org.invalid>
Sat, 22 May 2010 15:57:58 -0400
On 5/22/2010 3:32 PM, Rhino wrote:

Lew<> wrote in news:ht766u$dd3$

Why do you want to provide factory classes at all?

(I saw your amendment saying you meant factory METHODS in that sentence.)

Actually, you and/or Eric (and maybe some others) persuaded me to use
factories for my utility methods several weeks back when I was asking
about the best way to set up my StringUtils class. You're not changing
your mind and advising me against that now are you?

     He probably isn't. Factory methods are quite common; factory
*classes* are relatively rare. (You'll learn more about what's
what in a few years, when you've saved enough for "Effective Java,"
but until then you'll just have to take it on faith.)

Agreed. That's exactly what I meant; I just phrased it crudely in an
attempt to be brief.

     Brevity is the soul of wit. Crudity is the soul of halfwit.
(And crudit?s are the life of the party, but I digest. Er, digress.)

Eric Sosman

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