Re: how to convert metric to pixels
RussellT wrote:
"Patricia Shanahan" <> wrote in message
Eric Sosman wrote:
Rita Leon wrote:
On Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:50:44 GMT, Thomas Fritsch
<> wrote:
You idea is possible but the number of pixels per unit will vary
depending on the physical size of the monitor and the size of a pixel.
A 17" monitor @ 1024x768 will have a different number of pixels per
unit than a 22" monitor @ 1024x768. And then there is the issue of
dot pitch...
What is the pixel size when you are routing the display
to two or more output devices simultaneously? E.g., when you
are viewing your presentation on your laptop's 15-inch screen
while everyone else is watching the 10-foot projected image?
I'm typing this on a laptop with an external display connected, in
extended desktop mode, and the composition window placed so that it lies
across the boundary between the displays. The two displays have
different characteristics. What is the pixel size for this window?
I'm curious about the ultimate motive for caring about the size in
inches, as distinct from whether the user want to zoom in or out.
For my cad program, the schematic (could be electrical, instrumentation,
etc.), will be printed on 11x17" landscape, multiple sheets. Printed symbol
size is more or less an industry standard which follows from visual and
readable. Number of sheets required to organize a printed presentation is
related to how much can fit on a sheet. How could I ensure all that, unless
the 100% view on the monitor, is the actual printed page size? For this,
zooming is mostly a design time process, because the monitor size is less
than the printed page.
For most applications, screen display and size for printing are entirely
separate issues, and I think that is how it should be.
The problem is that what is readable when printed with a good printer
may be too small to edit effectively on a normal screen. Similarly, the
largest drawing that can be viewed simultaneously by covering a table
with sheets of paper is far larger than most monitors.
The problem of letting people know what will fit on how many sheets is
solved e.g. in Microsoft Excel by having an option to show print page
boundaries on the display.