Re: Serialization Issue
On Mar 31, 9:34 am, Chase Preuninger <>
If it contains any fields that don't implement serializable then it
wont work. You need to declare those fields as transcendent.
This is a conscious parody of a useful post, right? You're not
*actually* this dense, are you?
1. Please quote the relevant passages of the post you're responding to
so that people who don't see the complete thread have some idea what
you're talking about.
2. Why would anyone on a widely-distributed, community-owned forum
like want to migrate to a google group?
3. That's a very, *very* vague description of how resurrection of
serialized instances of children of non-serilaizable classes works.
In more detail:
- The most-derived parent class that does not implement Serializable
is resurrected using the default constructor. In the OP's case, this
is Area(), which creates an area with no data.
- Then, the fields of the remaining, serializable classes are
directly restored from the serialized representation. Alternately,
the resurrected object's readObject() method is invoked to allow it to
deserialize itself.
Since the OP's SerializableArea has no fields of its own and does not
provide a readObject method, the result of the deserialization is
equivalent to 'new SerializableArea()'.
4. It's "transient", not "transcendent".