Re: Self-configuring classes

 Owen Jacobson <>
Sat, 04 Aug 2007 02:33:39 -0700
On Aug 4, 2:30 am, <> wrote:

In article <>,

Twisted <> wrote:

On Aug 4, 3:18 am, Owen Jacobson <> wrote:

What about the first google hit for "swing event dispatch thread":

[everything else snipped as it follows from a bogus premise and is
thus invalidated]

There might be an honest misunderstanding here:

When I do a Google search on "swing", "event", "dispatch", and
"thread", the first hit is indeed the one Owen mentions.

Results are different if I search on "swing even dispatch thread"
(single quoted term).

[ snip ]

The premise he's objecting to is that someone would have typed any of
the searches I suggested without knowing in advance how Swing and
threading interact. Since that wasn't my point, exactly, I don't
really mind that he snipped it.

(For the record, my point was that a wide variety of searches, *not*
all of which involve the word "thread" at all, or "event", turn up
information on creating Swing components on the right thread and how
to get to that thread from the "main" thread. Information about Swing
and threading is widespread now, regardless of how Sun handled telling
people about the bug.)

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