Re: File browser

Daniel Pitts <>
Tue, 05 Feb 2008 18:35:05 -0800
Peter Duniho wrote:

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 18:01:29 -0800, Daniele Futtorovic
<> wrote:

And that's not even a "MUST" rule, but rather a strong recommendation
and its scope solely synchronisation/concurrency issues.

Well, I guess I'm not clear on the replies here then. Lew says that I
have no choice and must invoke the initialization on the EDT. Your
reply seems to say that as long as I know that I won't run into any
synchronization issues (and given that none of my UI is visible while
I'm doing the initialization, why would I?), that initialization is fine
on the initial thread (and in fact, I infer that if you can ensure
synchronization then interacting with the components is fine any time).

-- though it sounds like much work with no certainty of success. Depends
on how badly you want the Swing file chooser, I suppose.

Not badly at all. I wish I could use the Swing version for the file
filtering, but it's a minor detail and not at all worth that sort of
effort. It would have been nice if Apple had provided in Swing a
full-featured chooser that either replicates or simply uses the built-in
file chooser, but the AWT version works fine for me. The lack of useful
file filtering isn't a big deal.


The rule is that you "MUST" if you want to be able to easily prove the
correctness of your program. If you don't, the program *may* function
as expected, but may have subtle problems that arise in circumstances
that you can't predict (multi-core CPUs for instance, or OS thread
scheduling decisions.

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