Re: Worker Threads and EDT

Knute Johnson <>
Sat, 02 Aug 2008 09:47:09 -0700
RedGrittyBrick wrote: wrote:

Knute Johnson wrote: wrote:

I have some legacy code to spruce up, and it breaks one of the
cardinal rules of swing: it updates the UI with worker threads (not
the EDT).

If you want to trap calls to the paintComponent() method that aren't
on the EDT, use EventQueue.isDispatchThread() and throw an exception
if it is false. The problem I see with that is that calls to methods
that later call repaint() will not be found.

How do I inject this code into JComponent? There are thousands of
swing instances in the application which might be affected, I need to
sort out which ones actually are, then trace back to the problematic
worker thread and separate the background process from the UI.

I use ThreadCheckingRepaintManager from

That's a very handy tool. I think it will catch a lot of his problems
with very little effort.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2008/

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