Re: Forcing the GUI to handle events

Lew <>
Sun, 14 Jun 2009 21:29:20 -0400
(Please do not "reply all". A reply to the newsgroup suffices.)

Lew wrote:

You shouldn't need to do that [explicitly handle GUI events];
the underlying GUI mechanism processes the GUI events as rapidly as it can.

Mark wrote:

Is this another way of saying "there isn't a way"?

No, it isn't. It's a way of saying exactly what it does say and not saying
what it doesn't say.

Lew wrote:

More likely you are doing some non-GUI work in your event handler
which is blocking the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT), the thread that
handles the GUI actions. One cannot be sure because you have not
posted any code.

Mark wrote:

You are correct.

Then don't do that. Spawn a thread to do the background work.

Lew wrote:

If my guess is right, you need to move the blocking action off the EDT
so that you don't slow the GUI down. You do that with the SwingWorker
class, assuming you're using Swing, which you don't say.

Mark wrote:

No. I am using SWT/Jface... Is there a SWT equivalent?

You can do it manually with just Threads and Runnables. java.util.concurrent
has some useful classes that could help, too.

I am not familiar with SWT and don't really know why people would bother to
use it.


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