Re: show JDialog every 30 seconds
Lew wrote:
Knute Johnson wrote:
Lew wrote:
Knute Johnson wrote:
Window is an AWT component. No requirement to use the EDT on AWT
components that I know of.
From what I've read, all GUIs, even those not of Java, really need
to be single-threaded to work right. I've been under the impression
that this applies to AWT, too.
I need strong evidence that AWT is thread safe, not evidence that it
You won't find a single example on Sun's web site of AWT GUI creation
on the EDT. You won't find any mention of AWT components needing to
be created on the EDT in the docs or that AWT isn't thread safe.
It is hard to prove the negative when there is no mention of the
positive, or is it the other way round?
But find me a mention in some Sun doc, tutorial or anywhere that says
that it isn't and I will quietly fade into the background :-).
You're the one assuming an unprovable negative.
The literature says that all GUIs share the need to run GUI actions on
the GUI thread. You assume safety where danger might lurk without
evidence that you are correct. I assume danger with some evidence that
it might exist. Absent an authoritative assertion of safety, prudence
is the superior strategy.
The burden of proof is on the assertion of safety.
So you say but Sun doesn't and they do for Swing. Sun never shows
invokeLater() on AWT code examples and they do for Swing. Sun never
mentions thread safety issues with AWT and they do for Swing. I think
you are assuming there are alligators in the swamp without getting in to
look :-).
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2009/
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